Est. Nov 13, 2022

I don't really know where to start... As far back as I can remember the internet has been a big part of my life. Growing up with a dad who started in IT during the boom in 90s there was no shortage of tech around me growing up. My dad was able to bring home machines that would otherwise be recycled to let us use as personal computers. Some of my earliest memories are doing things on our home computers, and I was only about 7 or 8 when I received my very own PC! With unrestricted internet access!! Which totally had no effect on my mental wellbeing :). But silver linings: I grew up on an internet still filled to the brim with personality. I remember even from an early age just browsing and browsing fan made sites for things like Pokemon, Nightmare Before Christmas, HP (unfortunately) and anything else I was even remotely interested in. I, of course,also spent a lot of time on Youtube, Deviantart and whatever PC games I could get my hands on! I could go on forever about my nostalgia for the early internet, but I'm hoping to make a page for all that eventually.

I am heavily inspired by sites I remember visiting as a kid, growing up autistic it was always amazing seeing people make shrines or dedicate entire websites, art galleries, etc to their favorite media or character - I connected with thatpassion - fandom back then was niche - it wasn't as common place to express fanboy levels of dedication in-real-life, which was something I was made fun of a lot for as a kid and teenager. The web I grew up on was a much needed homebase for me growing up - not only did it give me a sense of belonging, knowing that even if the people immediately around me did not understand that I was not alone, but also a much needed escape from everything going on around me. The internet may not have been the best place to grow up, but it was truly a lifeline when nothing else was there.

Anyways, so then why a website in 2024? Well... somewhere in the mix of leaving social media for my mental health I had stumbled upon someone's neocities - and then their manifesto. I wish so desperately that I could remember who's site this was, but I really have no idea. I immediately signed up for an account and quickly found sad.grl's layout builder. Using that and the sliver of knowledge I had from a basic web design class I had failed a year before I just.. went for it. The original version of this site was much different - think scene rainbow explosion... you get the picture I'm sure - very driven by pure nostalgia. I had abandoned it for a few months feeling stuck with pages I no longer liked and no direction - so I gutted it and completely started over - which is what you're seeing here! This site is much more focused on looking the way I would want it to well.. In the present! I want this site to pay homage to all the sites before me that inspired me to make this site, but to also be something entirely mine, tailored to me.

Thank you so much for reading - and for checking out my site!!

Hello! My name is Will/Omen and I'm the apparition haunting this website..

Currently buried in Kentucky with my Husband and our two kitty cats; Mothman and Mochi.

When I'm not online I'm usually watching movies/TV/playing board games with my husband, wandering thrift stores and peddlers malls, and day dreaming about all the DIY projects I swear I'm gonna finish one day...

Last.Fm Steam

I am
agender, autistic, canine, cat lover, creature, FTWTF, FTX, full of love, gender transcender, introvert, kinky, monogamist, multifacetted, otherkin, quiet, shy, switch, trans, transnull, whatever
Who are you?

Agender (Agender flag) Transnull (Transnull flag) Ghostgender (Ghostgender flag (no symbol)) Doggender (Doggender flag)
blorbo hall of fame:
